Sunday 21 August 2011

Wednesday 10 August 2011

How to...NOT Spend Money, Cause Spending Money's Wayy Too Easy

I've heard this "You have to have will power not to spend" thing way too many times. I can't NOT spend I love spending. I can't help it I've deviated from budget after budget all because my obsession with shopping has reached critical mass. In other words I have no will power. However I've researched some tips to share with my fellow weaklings and here we go!

1) When grocery shopping (or all shopping in general) always only bring cash and leave your debit and credit cards at home. That way you will only spend what you have cause thats all you've got! This will help you make more educated decisions about what to buy vegetables or not vegetables that is the question.

2) Look at what you have already with appreciative eyes. Your mom was right if you've got clothes on your back, food in your tummy, and a roof over your head you're pretty well off. Not to mention you can enjoy the surplus of shoes, shirts and etc that I'm sure we're all guilty of having.

3) Make the bank make your money disappear before you do. Having direct payments hooked up to your bank account ensure that the money for your hydro bill actually pays your hydro bill instead of paying for that cute pair of stillettos you'll only wear one time cause they hurt your feet! If the money's not there you won't have a chance to spend it.

4) Stay at home! I know this is hard for those super social people however not going out will probably save you the most amount of money. Going out will tempt you and even more so if you're going out with other people that like to spend. Stay at home read a book, clean, nap whatever just do not leave that door if you don't have to!

5) Lastly and I know this is kind of a contradiction to this entire post but you cannot save money cold turkey. Just like not failing on a diet you need little indulgences to get you through. Something cheap like a bargain book or an on super sale t-shirt will give you the pep you need to get through your saving money/being poor draught.

Thursday 4 August 2011

Well It's Finally Happening

Hi all,

This is the post to end all posts! (well not really). It's just a really big announcement/newsflash.
Well I signed up for a booty camp avec one of my fav girls to whip my not so toned body into shape before school starts. In conjunction this also means that I will be having my very last starbucks drink tomorrow or Saturday either way before Tuesday I will have had my last for quite sometime. On top of this I will be eating lots of fruits and veggies but more more fast food, this includes the gourmet hot dogs I have recently become addicted to. I'll be updating on a regular basis my progress but I bet your wondering what this post has anything to do with saving money? Well the booty camp was found on a coupon deal website a class that originally cost $190 plus tax cost me around $50! This is going to be the hardest 4 weeks of my life but I'm ready and up for the challenge. Getting back to the whole coupon thing, websites like livingsocial and groupon have daily deals that could prove useful and it's free to sign up. Good luck in finding amazing deals and I'll be updating with posts pertaining to getting healthy and keeping it cheap!

Take care!