Monday 25 April 2011

Getting Your Monday Java fix...But it'll cost you

This morning I woke up and instantly my mind turned to getting my starbucks fix before I made my way to work.Of course by bringing my own travel mug I’d save myself 10 cents off my order however that is still not saving me enough to make it worth my while. Then I had a second thought it’s obvious that by making my own coffee or tea at home I’m going to save myself at least $4.50. Just think if you got your latte fix five days a week your spending $22.50 per week and in a months time you’d spend $90.00 or more. So today I’m going to do myself a favour and save that $4.50 and put it towards something a little more satisfying than the ten minutes it takes me to gulp down my gourmet coffee, like a new top or dress perhaps.

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