Sunday 19 June 2011

Re purposing in addition I can't figure out Tumblr

Hi all,

Well I'm back here on blogspot and as much as I have tried (and I have tried very VERY hard) I just cannot get used to Tumblr. This fact ages me far beyond my years however I don't care and I am ecstatic to be back here! So enough of me being lazy and not bringing you want you want, you want d.i.y's and cool stuff and I shall bring it to the masses!

Moving along though,
My wonderful co-worker and dear friend Rhys ( told me about a wonderful way you can turn disaster into a master piece. As we were talking at work she told me that a nice white dress she had just purchased not too long ago fell victim to a nacho/salsa attack. And being the innovative gal she is she told me she found a way to save the dress by using fabric dye. Now I know fabric dye is no secret and has been around forever. But when she told me how easy it was I could think of at least three articles of clothing I own that needed a little spruce of colour. Not only is this giving clothes new life but it also is also super cheap (just a little over $4)

And these are the lovely results!
Kudos again to Rhys for the amazing info!

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