Thursday, 14 July 2011

Closet Chaos

I decided to do something crazy with my day off, well not that crazy. It all started when I started doing my laundry and while I was folding the fifteen pyjama t-shirts I seem to own I began wondering if it was about that time that I commit to purging all the clothes sitting in my closet collecting dust. So I researched some helpful tips that I want to share with you all to aide you in your next great closet undertaking.

When was the last time you wore that?
I think this is by far the best advice you'll ever come across when re-organizing your closet. If you haven't worn it in the past six months, or can't recall the last time you wore it, or if it's still got the tags on it. Toss it. Well don't necessarily toss it but give it to a friend or donate it. It will free up space and you won't miss it once it's gone.

If it's broke, don't fix it!
If you have a dress that's torn or needs mending and you've been meaning to get it fixed or fix it yourself and just haven't gotten around to it for almost a year get rid of it. You're wasting space and your time if you keep it.

Trends Die
Sooner or later (but hopefully sooner rather than later) that cute little crop top you bought will phase out and everyone will be on to bigger and better things. Those old trends that were great at the time aren't so great any more that's why they're called trends.

Getting Sentimental
We are all guilty of this. Grandma gave you a sweater for Christmas in 1995 and you still have it, and on top of it all you've never worn it? No offence to Gran but it's time to say goodbye, having memories attached to objects is no crime but if it's just collecting spider webs donate it or give it away. It may find a new life for someone else.

Regardless of all the good tips and tricks purging your closet is a process and definitely doesn't have to get done in one day. It's a process so take your time. I know my big closet clean up is definitely going to take a while, but it's a work in progress

Hope this helps!

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